


JamTime, JTWC, Jam Time With Coburn, whatever you want to call it, is a collection of videos that include a combination of audio and video creations of varying shite-ness.

JTWC001 - Deckard Meets Modular

This is one of the first videos made where you can see a wild Coburn. Watch him in his natural habitat slapping a USB membrane pad with supersized toothpicks. Forgive the stock title card and editing, it was my first vid with Premiere.

CobuRating = half a cringe

JTWC002 - SpectroWriter

After spending a great deal of time researching the world of video synthesis, LZX Industries, and the monster of a machine known as the Scanimate, I experienced a revelation in learning that video could be produced using a vaguely familiar oscillator-based system. Additionally the prohibitive cost of purchasing a video synthesis system without the proper motivation led to the exploration of free options. Milk Drop was one of the most common suggestions out there. Milk Drop is included as a plugin for Winamp, which fortunately I spent many younger years using to listen to internet radio stations such as Limbik. In Winamp you can

CobuRating = semi watchable